Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tom Corrado, Connect-Ability writing coach, reads his poetry at a workshop in 2008.  For eighteen years he has been sharing his many creative talents - writing, music, art - with Connect-Ability editorial board members. He inspires Connect-Ability bloggers to tap into their own inborn abilities.

Comment if you have a teacher who inspires you.


  1. One of my all time favorite teachers was a guy who used to sing to us, if we weren't getting it or paying attention. He just started singing and some of us laughed at him but we all loved it. It got so that whenever one of us could see one of our friends starting to drift away or cause trouble in class, we would shout out "sing to us, Mr. M." and he would let it rip.

  2. Over the years I have had a lot of amazing teachers who helped and inspired me. I think teachers have great power they can make or break a student, all the amazing teachers I have had, have encouraged me to great lengths helping me read and write, even going as far as reading a story I wrote outside of class. what might seem like a small and simple thing, made all the difference and I learned never to give up no matter what you will have people who believe in you and those who don't but its important to remember and keep with you the memories of those who helped you. Thank you to ALL teachers who inspire there students you are not forgotten!
